MailTech Support is a monthly support service that is billed annually and it includes the following items:

Unlimited Remote Support

With personalized assistance, we are available to help decode the mmWave images and to support your postal operation from a security standpoint. Our service is delivered over the web for a visual and dedicated toll-free line. We help decode images and ensure proper technical help in the detection of powders, liquids and metals that constitute most forms of CBRE.

Mailroom Monitoring System

At your discretion,  a camera(s) is installed in your mailroom and on-going support and procedures are reviewed and monitored periodically. Employees can request help by activating the camera and/or placing a call to our team members. We will connect to your mailroom for visual and voice support. 

Mailroom Work Procedures

We help develop workflow procedures based on your site-specific conditions and mailstream needs.

Ready to Secure Your Mailroom?

Get a free quote directly from our specialists to determine which options will work best for your needs. Or request our free product brochure.r